In the previous episode we have explored the mystery Of your garden and we have explained how to locate your purpose.

Don’t ever marry someone who is not interested in your calling or passion, I can assure you of frustration in that relationship if you go ahead.

After you have considered purpose and garden, the most important factor to consider is the voice of God

What is God saying?
Don’t go on a journey until you hear from God.

Some sisters go to a pastor with list of brothers, saying please help me pray over them to know which one is my husband, that is not correct at all.
Hear me, you are to hear God for your self, what the pastor should do for you is confirmation of what God has told you.

The pastor will not live in that marriage with you, you must know this, every relationship has it’s own challenges but when this challenges happen, it is the word of God you heard that will keep you through that period.

The voice of God is not scarce, we are the one that is dull in hearing.

Every correct child knows the voice of His/Her father but if you don’t know the voice of God then we need to work on that.

Some will say pastor, I have prayed and I didn’t hear anything.
Hear me, if you have not been hearing God for anything In your life, don’t expect to hear all of a sudden about marriage. God is not a magician.
He is talking to you everyday but you need to hear.

He speaks concerning even the smallest things you could ever imagine such as even when to go out, where to go, where to pass, when to eat, what course to study. He is a speaking God, He is not deaf and dumb.

Pastor How do I know His Voice?

Until you are familiar with His WORD you can never be KNOW HIS VOICE.
The Voice of His Word is His Voice
Get familiar with the WORD, then you will know His VOICE.

Pastor, How do I distinguish between my mind and His Voice?
Get familiar with His Word, to know His Word is to Know His VOICE

Until you have obeyed the instructions in the WORD, don’t expect HIM TO GIVE YOU A SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION.

A lady who doesn’t study her bible should not expect a direction concerning marriage, except you want deceit.

Pastor what about dreams, Maybe I dreamt that I was fetching water and he came to help me? Ahahahhahahaha

Don’t be a joker
How many times have God directed you via dreams? did you have that dream when you were looking for admission, did you have it before you applied for a job or got the job, why is the dream now coming because of marriage.
If God doesn’t lead you via dreams on a regular basis, don’t believe any dream concerning marriage.*

Dreams can be deceitful, devil also give dreams and your mind and desires and create dreams.

God lead via dreams but if that is not the way God leads you on a normal basis don’t ever follow a dream to get married.

I have had such dreams that I married several ladies ahahhahaha thank God I didn’t follow them, maybe I would have ten wives now.

You must know the way God talks to you and lead you, discover it and master it.

I will continue in Part 4
I see a burning Generation

Author: victoroluwasola

A young man inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal pointers of the last moments to the WORLD, and to sensitize the world on the imminent signs of the end of the world.


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