pastor Busoga of Uganda says he is so holy that he can’t walk on ground so as not to be contaminated. So his members submitted their bodies as a stepping stone.

pastor Busoga of Uganda says he is so holy that he can’t walk on ground so as not to be contaminated. So his members submitted their bodies as a stepping stone. When pride sets into the body of Christ.. The effects are always devastating GOD isn’t looking for people who are looking for robust congregration He doesn’t need people who are desperate to get rich He’s not asking for vessels who just want power to show the WORLD their abilities… GOD seeks a humble and contrite heart that would live for HIM.. Psalms 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. An AMBASSADOR of HIS KINGDOM… What are your motives of serving GOD? Why do you want to become so popular? Do you really love GOD as you claim to do? Check yourself now.. And submit yourself afres to the HOLY GHOST.

Author: victoroluwasola

A young man inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal pointers of the last moments to the WORLD, and to sensitize the world on the imminent signs of the end of the world.

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